Home | Achieving Supply Chain Excellence: A Blueprint for CFOs – Part 5: Turning Reactive Risk Mitigation into Proactive Risk Management

September 6, 2024

Achieving Supply Chain Excellence: A Blueprint for CFOs – Part 5: Turning Reactive Risk Mitigation into Proactive Risk Management

Donna Fritz

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Welcome to the fifth and final part of our CFO blog series, where we’ve been exploring the benefits of bringing order to chaos in today’s modern supply chains. But as we wrap up, we want to emphasize that you have more control over your supply chain than you might think. Yes, the PO lifecycle is a menagerie of risks, but our data shows that 70% of inbound supply chain issues happen prior to shipment.

This means that most disruptions are at least somewhat within your control. Here, we look at some of the things you can control to reduce critical supply risks that translate directly into more efficient performance, reliable revenue projection, and higher customer satisfaction.

Effective Supply Planning

This series has primarily focused on the value of collaboration to guard against hidden costs, and this definitely applies to effective inventory management. Overstocking can drive up storage costs and tie up working capital, but understocking can lead to stockouts and frustrated customers. Just-in-time and real-time inventory strategies help but require precise coordination and communication with suppliers. It’s also virtually impossible to do without automation. With real-time updates and automated workflows, SourceDay provides all stakeholders access to the most current information, eliminating miscommunication errors and reducing delays. The platform’s predictive analytics can also forecast potential disruptions, making it possible to anticipate and head off stocking issues in advance. 

Strong Supplier Relationships

Making solid supplier relationships (and reliability) a priority can make a big difference in the resiliency of your supply chain. In our experience, this goes much further than favorable terms and a willingness to prioritize your needs. The collaboration and problem-solving that come from nurturing these relationships create goodwill for everyone and present opportunities for cost savings. This requires good collaborative tools that are easy to use and even easier to adopt. SourceDay helps build trust and reliability by fostering transparency and accountability, which are essential for long-term partnerships. SourceDay’s PO Dashboard gathers risks from across the entire PO lifecycle into a straightforward view so users no longer need to look through each PO to find outstanding issues – they’re all listed, sortable, and filterable in one place. Users are notified and can prioritize and resolve urgent issues from a single, actionable framework. Our customers have been able to reduce buffer stock and even eliminate the need for off-site warehousing altogether. 

Keeping Things Agile 

Responding quickly to potential disruptions, refining processes, or addressing unexpected market swings can keep a supply chain competitive. It also means continuously reviewing processes to identify and work out inefficiencies. Managing the ongoing number of changes in the life of a typical PO, however, is a challenge. More than half of PO lines require manual intervention, at an average of 2.5 changes per line, which means changes add up fast. SourceDay’s automated workflows and alerts ensure that any changes in the supply chain are promptly addressed, and analytics and reporting provide insights into performance and areas that need attention. A stable supply chain creates a domino effect that benefits the entire organization, including cost savings, improved customer satisfaction, and enhanced overall performance. SourceDay is designed to align supply chain operations with overall business objectives. By integrating with existing ERP systems, supply chain activities are synchronized with other business functions. This holistic approach enables better decision-making and coordination across the organization.

Comprehensive Data, Unmatched Expertise, and World-Class PO Lifecycle Management

Finally, better data means making better decisions, and by turning data into actionable insights, you can anticipate changes, adapt quickly, and stay out of the weeds. SourceDay has been at the forefront of PO lifecycle management for over a decade, and our customers have managed more than $40 billion in direct materials spend through the platform. The result is the most comprehensive PO Lifecycle Management dataset anywhere. This proprietary dataset drives SourceDay Intelligence, our machine learning platform engineered to enhance supply chain performance and usher in a new era of intelligent supply chain risk mitigation. Leveraging supervised AI and machine learning (AI/ML) to detect, predict, and resolve risks, users get actionable insights, relevant recommendations, and insight into blind spots they couldn’t find on their own.

Bringing Supply Chain Risks and Opportunities into Focus for the Bottom Line

By embracing technology, optimizing inventory, nurturing supplier relationships, prioritizing sustainability, investing in your workforce, managing risks effectively, leveraging data, and enhancing the customer experience, you can create a supply chain that meets current demands and is poised for future success. A well-designed, competitive supply chain is a powerful tool that can drive growth, efficiency, and a sustained competitive advantage in the marketplace. SourceDay is a key part of making that happen.

Today’s direct-spend supply chains are besieged with potential disruptions. But by being proactive in your approach to mitigating the risks and focusing on things that are within your control, you can build a competitive supply chain that not only meets your needs today and in the future but also adds value across your organization.

Want to know more? Let’s have a conversation.

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