Supplier Collaboration

Prioritizing At-Risk Customer Purchase Orders

Amid global uncertainty created by COVID-19, it has become increasingly difficult to monitor purchase orders and know which orders to proactively work on. Fortunately, SourceDay makes it simple for you to see which of your customers’ purchase orders require immediate action.

Check out these three ways that SourceDay can help you prioritize your customers’ purchase orders and keep them on track.

3 Ways to Monitor Your Customers’ Purchase Orders


If you navigate to the Late Tab on the PO Dashboard you can view all past-due orders.

SourceDay Late Tab Feature Screenshot


SourceDay reveals which PO lines your customers consider critical items by marking them hot wherever they appear on the PO Dashboard.  For added visibility, you can navigate to the Hot Tab to easily see all critical items in one place.

SourceDay Feature Hot List Screenshot


With SourceDay, you can see all PO lines that need to be shipped in the near future. Just navigate to the Radar Tab on the PO Dashboard. Radar is a configurable setting that adds a PO line to the Radar Tab for extra visibility. As a default, SourceDay adds a PO line to the Radar Tab seven days prior to the last date to which you committed. Your customer can adjust this setting to as low as 2 days prior and as high as 60 days prior to your commitment date.

SourceDay Radar Feature Screenshot

Learn more about how to avoid disruptions and keep your customers’ purchase orders on time with SourceDay.